When you are working in an organization, you owe certain responsibilities to the organization. You need to be very careful with things and your behavior which might not cause problems for you and others working in the organization. Being regular to work is one of the basic requirements while working in an organization as irregularity may not only affect your individual performance but also the overall performance of the organization to which you contribute through your efforts.
However, at times this irregularity from work may be due to some unforeseen reason which cannot be ignored. There may be instances when your absence from work is backed by a reason for being absent. For which you need to take permission from the relative authority to be absent from work.
You start the letter by mentioning your name and ID along with your current designation. You also mention the name of the department in which you are working. Then you move on by mentioning that you require to be absent from work, mentioning the reason ahead of it. Your reason must be valid enough to satisfy the employer so that he may permit you to take off from work.
Next, if you are to mention dates of absence then be very clear with it. Most importantly, if during this time you are part of a big project or assignment, you should assure that work will not suffer because of you and that you will complete everything on time.
It is very important to choose the right words for speech. As you are the one who is seeking permission to take days off from work so the tone of your speech should rather be polite than being harsh. Politely comprehend the letter and seek permission.
Sample letter
Mr. Green,
Head of department,
Mr. David,
Sales Manager,
Dated: 5th January, 20XX
Subject: Permission to be absent from work due to family matter
Respected Sir,
This is to bring to your attention that I, David (employee ID: 2343d) a sales manager at ABC require to take a few days off from work. As you are aware that I had recently filed a divorce case against my wife due to which I have to go to court for hearing purposes. Now that the case is moving towards its end and I have been given dates of final hearing by the court. My dates of hearing are from 8th January-10th January, 20XX, after which there will be no more hearings. It is for this reason that I will not be able to come to the office on the following mentioned dates.
I have completed all my work so that nothing remains to be done from my side. I, therefore, request you to please give me permission to take days off on the above-mentioned dates so that I may resolve my issues. I will be grateful to you.
Yours Sincerely,
Mr. David,
Sales Manager